"VIENNA BOYS' CHOIR" Page 1, 2Celebrity S�ngerknabenSigrid Pichler and Gabriele Wolf of the Austrian National Tourist Office report that a number of famous composers have emerged from the choir's ranks:
Obtaining concert tickets in ViennaThe Vienna Boys' Choir has regularly scheduled masses and choir concerts in the Imperial Chapel of the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. In addition, the choir and smaller groups of S�ngerknaben make appearances with the Staatsoper and the Volksoper, Vienna's two major opera companies. For tickets, contact the performance venues directly by telephone or by visiting the Web sites below. (In the case of the Imperial Chapel, e-mail h[email protected] for ticket information. But see the reader warning about seating and sightlines before you place your order.) Web sitesWiener S�ngerknaben Wiener
Staatsoper Volksoper Wien
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