Europe and Terrorism
Archived Article from 2001
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, some North American tourists are already cancelling their European vacation plans. Reasons vary from "I'm afraid to fly" to "I don't feel safe in a foreign country." If you're an American or Canadian with second thoughts about a European trip, don't make any rash decisions. Cancelling a flight or tour is likely to be expensive--and you may come to regret it. Here are some facts to consider before saying no to a European trip:
Here's something else to think about: At least one U.S.-based supplier of travel insurance has stopped offering terrorism coverage for trips within the United States--but it continues to provide terrorism coverage for trips to Europe. Bottom line: If you look at the facts objectively, it's hard to turn down a European vacation for safety reasons--which is why we haven't changed our own plans for a fall visit to Europe. 2015 addendum:A few years after article was published, my wife was mugged in front of our house during the daytime in a supposedly safe U.S. neighborhood (she had pain for more than a year afterwards and required physical therapy). However, we have yet to be victims of crimes in Europe--even when walking around sketchy-looking neighborhoods of Paris, Rome, and other European cities at night. Moral: Sometimes the places you do know can be more dangerous than the places you don't. |
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