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Planning Your Trip

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ABOVE: Venice, Italy--one of the many cities covered by Europe for Visitors.

In a lifetime of traveling, I've never grown tired of planning trips. Why? Because travel planning isn't just a matter of booking airline reservations and reserving hotel rooms--it's also a way to build anticipation and learn about the places you're visiting so you'll get more out of your journey.

The Web has made travel planning infinitely easier than it was just a few short years ago. Instead of relying on brief guidebook descriptions and skimpy brochures, you can explore foreign cities in depth before your visit. You can examine hotel rooms, compare prices, and make reservations on the spot. You can plan excursions, buy rail passes, listen to phrases in foreign languages, view photo albums, read travel diaries, consult festival schedules, check the weather, and often see what's happening at your destination via Webcams--without paying a cent.

However, you do need to know where to start. Here's a brief guide to the European travel resources at Europe for Visitors:

Europe for Visitors

Travel articles
More than 100 articles on European travel are grouped by topic such as "Practical Info/Travel Tips," "Transportation," "England," and "Netherlands." Most articles are packed with links to European tourism sites and other Web resources.

Venice for Visitors
Before we created Europe for Visitors in late 1997, we ran a Venice for Visitors site. Venice remains our favorite travel destination, and we continue to expand the site that PC Magazine has called "the premier visitors' site for Venice, Italy."

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