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Amsterdam Drugs

From: Amsterdam

Amsterdam coffeeshop sign

ABOVE: Weed and feed. INSET BELOW: A bag of wacky baccy.


Holland: Tempting the Tourist With Hookers and Hookahs
Prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, and soft drugs are tolerated. But don't let that keep your children or church group from visiting Holland.

Web links

Marijuana in AmsterdamNote: In Amsterdam's euphemistically-named "coffeeshops," Colombian isn't a hot beverage and hash isn't a breakfast dish.

Amsterdam for Tourists: What's Legal?
CNN offers a Cliff's Notes introduction to hash smoking and sin in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam's Pot-Selling Coffee Shops Remain Open to Tourists
You can still light up in Amsterdam's coffehouses, even though some other Dutch cities have placed restrictions on joints that sell joints.

Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory
This site claims to be the definitive guide to the city's hash houses. It offers a "best" list, a map that shows coffeeshop locations, and addresses of 800 "coffeeshops, smartshops, growshops, and headshops" throughout the Netherlands.

Ultimate Guide to Amsterdam Coffeeshops compiled this detailed guide, which includes advice on getting high legally in Amsterdam. Amsterdam Drugs
Peter Skelton's article outlines Dutch drug laws and the reasoning behind them.

Amsterdam Smokers Guide
The Bush Doctor tests and reviews cannabis varieties on sale in Amsterdam, from Afghan Cream to Zero Zero.

Going Dutch
David Downie wrote this article on the Dutch drug scene (and its dark side) for Salon.

Hip Planet's Amsterdam Coffeeshops
Where to enjoy cannabis with your cappucino.

Amsterdam travel resources
Academic travel
Arriving, departing
Caf�s, nightclubs
Dining, food
Events, culture
Excursions, sights
Gay, lesbian
Local transportation
Practical information
Sex, prostitution
Sports, recreation
Umbrella sites

Amsterdam planning tools
Amsterdam map

Amsterdam hotels/accommodations
Hotel introduction
5-star hotels
4-star hotels
3-star hotels
2-star hotels
1-star hotels
Airport hotels