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Amsterdam Local Transportation

From: Amsterdam

Tram at Amsterdam Centraal Station

ABOVE: A tram at Amsterdam's Centraal Station. INSET BELOW: An Amsterdam Metro station, and a Holland International tour boat.

Trams, buses, and trains

Amsterdam Metro stationGVB Tourist Guide
Amsterdam's public transit system covers all the basics in English.

Getting Around Amsterdam
The City of Amsterdam gives tips on local transportation and parking.

Amsterdam Tips: Transportation
This excellent, regularly-updated site covers many different aspects of travel in Amsterdam and the Netherlands. Metro Map
This handy map gives an overview of tram lines and underground transportation in Amsterdam.

9292 Journey Planner
Use 9292's door-to-door interactive timetable to plan trips by public transport throughout the Netherlands.

Canal boats

Lovers Amsterdam Canal Cruises
Rederij Lovers offers a variety of boat trips--among them, sightseeing tours, a circular "museum boat" route that allows stopovers, an Artis Zoo express boat, and evening cruises with dinner or wine and cheese.

Amsterdam Pedal Boats
Pedal your own acquatic bicycle on Amsterdam's canals.


Frédéric Rent a Bike
French-born Frédéric and his sons have operated this family-owned business in Amsterdam since 1994.

Mike's Bike Tours
In addition to half- and full-day bicycle rentals, this firm offers daily group or private tours on two-wheelers.


20 voor 020
If you insist on driving your car into the city center, the P1 parking garage near Amsterdam Centraal Railroad Station has a deal for you.

Amsterdam travel resources
Academic travel
Arriving, departing
Caf�s, nightclubs
Dining, food
Events, culture
Excursions, sights
Gay, lesbian
Local transportation
Practical information
Sex, prostitution
Sports, recreation
Umbrella sites

Amsterdam planning tools
Amsterdam map

Amsterdam hotels/accommodations
Hotel introduction
5-star hotels
4-star hotels
3-star hotels
2-star hotels
1-star hotels
Airport hotels