Venice > Sightseeing >
Islands tour > Back to Venice
Return trip to Venice
Page 7 of 8
Venice Islands Tour

ABOVE: A human, a dog, and a hand cart disembark
from a motoscafo at Treporti.
From Torcello or Burano, you'll have several transportation choices for the journey back to
Continue on the 12 to Treporti and
Punta Sabbioni, which are commuter
suburbs on the peninsula that separates the northern reaches of the Venetian
Lagoon from the Adriatic.
Stay with the 12 route to the
Lido di Venezia (see next page) and either get off to explore this popular resort island or
stay on the boat until the end of the line at Venezia Pietà near the Piazza
San Marco.
Skip the Lido and take the 12 directly back to
Fondamenta Nove in Venice.
(This is the boat you arrived on, headed in the reverse direction. Stay on
the boat when you reach Murano; there's no need to change lines.)
Please note:
If you take the 12 to the Lido or
Venezia Pietà as recommended in the
first option above, you'll normally have to change to a larger two-deck boat
at Punta Sabbioni. (You may also need to change boats in Treporti, depending
on the time of day.) The boat transfers are easy, and you're unlikely to
make a mistake.
Travel time averages 1 hour 5 minutes to the Lido and
another 14 minutes to Venezia Pietà.
From Treporti, another option is to catch a 13 boat to
Fondamenta Nove in
Venice. This route includes stops at the vegetable-farming islands of
Sant'Erasmo and
Vignole (once known as "the island of
the seven vines" and a popular vacation spot in the heyday of the Venetian
Republic). The boat then continues to Venice by way of Murano.
can get off the 13 boat at Sant'Erasmo or Vignole, but be prepared to kill
time if you do, since the 13 doesn't run very often. (A few boats stop at
the former pilgrims' and plague victims' island of
Lazzaretto Nuovo
if arrangements are made in advance.)
Travel time is 15 minutes from Burano
to Treporti plus 1 hour 7 minutes from Treporti to Venice's Fondamenta Nove.
There isn't much to do at the park-and-ride station in Treporti, so plan
your trip carefully to avoid a long layover.
Next page:
Lido di Venezia
About the author:
Durant Imboden has
written about Venice, Italy since 1996.
He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching
Europe for Visitors (including
Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl
Imboden in 2001.
PC Magazine has called this "the premier visitors'
site for Venice, Italy." Over the years, it has helped more than 30 million
travelers. For more information, see About our site,
our Europe for Visitors
press clippings,
our reader testimonials.
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