Adult standard one-way
Biglietto di corsa semplice
(Good for 75 minutes after validation on all routes of the Venice
transportation network except the Alilaguna, Fusina, and Clodia lines. You
can use more than one line to reach your destination, but return trips
during the 75 minutes are not allowed.)Children's one-way fares: Under 6 free,
full price for children 6 and older. |
€9,50 |
Disabled fare Valid for 75 minutes;
limited to passengers in wheelchairs. A companion may travel free. |
€1,50 |
Roundtrip beach ticket (Lido di Venezia)
This return ticket is valid on Line 14. You can take the motonave
(a large multi-deck waterbus) to the Lido SME station from either Venice San
Zaccaria (above the Piazza San Marco) or Punta Sabbioni. Once you're on the
Lido, you can use the ticket to ride local buses. |
€16 |