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Venetian Navigator

Internet Access in Venice

Archived Article


ABOVE: Venetian Navigator's customers include foreign tourists, Italian business travelers, and local residents.

Checking e-mail and looking up information on the Web can be a hassle while traveling. The simplest way to get on the Internet, if you don't have access available in your hotel, is by visiting an Internet point that rents computer time. In Venice, Venetian Navigator is a convenient place to visit when you need to go online. (There are now many other Internet points in the city, but Venetian Navigator has been around longer than most.)

In addition to high-speed DSL access via its own computers, Venetian Navigator offers laptop connections. You can also write documents, take pictures with Venetian Navigator's digital cameras, edit photos and send electronic greeting cards, copy your own digital camera's images to floppy disks or CD-ROMs, send or receive faxes, and print documents or e-mail on a laser printer. International phone cards are also available.

  • Important: In Italy, customers of Internet points are now required by law to show a passport or other photo ID before using a terminal, and the shop owner must keep a record of the customer's visit.

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Location and hours:

Venetian Navigator
Calle Casselleria 5300
Phone/fax 041 2771056

Open 7 days a week
Summer: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Winter: 10 a.m. - 8:30 p.m

Related Web Site:

Venetian Navigator
Click "English," then see "Where we are" for directions from the Piazza San Marco or the Rialto Bridge.