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Arriving in Venice by CarFrom: Arriving in Venice
ArrivingChances are, you'll be approaching Venice on the A4 Autostrada from the north or south. (If you're driving in on the A27 from Trieste, you'll merge with the A4 a few kilometers north of Mestre.) From the south, use the central Mestre exit. From the north, take the Mestre Est-Favorita exit. Follow the signs to your destination, depending on whether you'd prefer to park on the mainland (which is easier) or at the edge of Venice's historic center (which can be easy or a nightmare, depending on whether traffic on the causeway is backed up). ParkingTo avoid high parking costs and traffic jams, it's best to park in Mestre on the mainland. If you're brave, well-heeled, or visiting in low season, cross the Ponte della Libertà (the bridge or causeway from the mainland to Venice) and look for a parking space at:
For more detailed advice, including Google satellite-photo maps, see our illustrated article (with links) on parking in Venice. In the unlikely event that you're staying at a hotel on the Lido and want to take your car with you, head for Tronchetto as you approach the end of the causeway and take the automezzo, or car ferry, to the Lido. The ferry isn't cheap, but it's worth using if your hotel has free parking or if you plan to return to the mainland via the isthmus road to Chioggia. Next page: Arriving by ship
Durant Imboden has
written about Venice, Italy since 1996.
He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching
Europe for Visitors (including
Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl
Imboden in 2001. Top inset photo copyright © Peugeot. |
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